Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Blog 2: The Allegory of the Cave

Many events in history thrived off of any given illusion or fallacy. Most of these deceptions were usually enforced to protect a political figure or government. In 1930’s a man named Adolf Hitler governed the country of Germany and planned the extermination of all the Jews in Europe. This plan at the time was called his “Final Solution”, now we call this period of time “The Holocaust”. Hitler’s reasonings behind his “extermination” were that he felt the Jews were an enemy to the Aryan race. 
Now, as we look back at the situation, we are disgusted. We view the Holocaust as a terrible time. Think about how many movies, books, plays, and museums based on The Holocaust itself. Most of the time, these pieces bring us to the situation at the time through the eyes of a survivor. It is a very emotional and touchy subject, however, Hitler had a huge following. Millions of people gathered to hear him speak in public places as he slammed on his podium with clenched fists. The crowd cheers for him as they extend their right arms out in a forty-five degree angle. Why is it that we can look back at this event and be disgusted, yet at the time, millions of people saw Hitler as their leader? Were they aware of the atrocities that were going on behind-the-scenes?
The answer is yes. In the year 2000, a research study indicated that the citizens of Europe knew about what was happening to the Jews as they got shipped off to the Concentration and Extermination camps. There were reports in magazines and newspapers all over the country. These articles were written to desensitize the public of Hitler’s plan to exterminate all the Jews. Based on the content of these articles, the people of Germany were well aware of nearly all of what happened in the concentration camps. However, no reports on Hitler’s final solution were allowed to be publicized. 
The citizens of Germany were living under the illusion that Hitler was a great leader, and that his idea of an “Aryan” nation was a tangible, sensible concept. However, now as most people look back at these events, they’re disgusted. 


  1. I liked how you compared the illusion with adolf hilter. i also liked how you wrote that his illusion was to make people believed him.

    And thinking about the past of what he did to all the jews were disgusting and also disgusting that the germans knew what was going on with the jews. you know i'm really late with this, but i didnt know that theres still people that worship adolf hilter and his ways of destroying people he didnt like but these people have so much hatred towards the jews and african americans. i wish that these people could just get out of this nonsense and just accept everyone.

    The connection i saw with your blog and the blog i wrote about was that these people had an illusion. adolf hitler had people beleiving that jews were like these evil and dirty people, but charles darwin had this belief that every living thing was from the same ancestor.

    I love how your blog is going towards adolf hilter and how the people have the similar illusion he has.

  2. Adolf Hitler was a man of the devil. I saw the movie Schindler'list, which shows footage from when Hilter was alive and what he did to the jews. He really was a sick man. Shooting people with his sniper riffle from his blancony.Putting people in gas chambers,leading them to belive that they were going to take a shower and them killing them. Although people were aware of the fact that he was exterminatiing the jewish population, I think people they were afraid that if they say anything he would probalay have them killed. From Allegory point of view I think people wanted to live in the illusion that he was this great leader, in hopes one day it might go away, and it never did. today their alot of Neo Nazi's out there that still follow Hilter's ways and would kill jews because they think it right to.

  3. Excellent comparison--a whole people deluded into believing they were better than others and therefore had the right to do unto them as they wished. A couple of other people have mentioned the situation that black Americans were in before they rebelled during the 50s-60s--and it connects SO well with your explanation, it's just sad...

  4. Hey Angelica..
    I am Murad. Thank you for the feedback on my blog, it helps me improve my writing skills..:)
